Tuesday, April 23


Girls don't need to wear a lot of make up just to have a beautiful face. Any woman can be beautiful even without a make up. Here are some tips:

1. Be positive. Remember that your face is your most obvious tool of expression. It is the first thing that people usually see when they look at you. Beauty really does come from within, so if inside you are ugly, your face will show that. So try to become a more positive person, and as you do this, your face will show it.
2. Try plucking your eyebrows into a flattering arch. This will give an illusion of a more feminine and beautiful face.
3. Be nourished. Eat properly and drink enough water. The skin doesn't get most of its nourishment from what creams you put on. It comes from what is fueling your body. Eat a balanced diet in general.
4. Be clean. When your skin isn't properly cleaned, it looks dull and gets ashen or dark spots. Your face and the rest of you needs a reasonable scrubbing with an actual washcloth once a day, and problem areas of the face need a peeling treatment once a week after you turn 19 for men, and 22 for women.
5. Be moist. Even people with oily skin need a moisturizer. Folks with very dry skin should use a natural botanical skin cream, or as natural as possible.
6. Use a quality lotion or body butter that softens your skin. This will gradually make your legs, arms, feet and hands look flawless.
7.Be friendly. People who smile more, and are approachable, appear more beautiful to others. Looking at people with contempt or anger and being snobbish or sullen makes you look bad.
 Puzzle Pieces: 140
Time: 24mins 41 secs