Monday, April 22


I really don't know where did I get this picture of an island. I just used it to be my puzzle a day ago. One thing I'm sure about is that my country, Philippines has 7,107 islands. To give you an example of the beauty of the Philippines, on your next trip.. try going to Batanes Islands.

The smallest province in the Philippines – Batanes Islands – also has one of the most enchanting landscapes in the country. Windswept and separated from the whole of the Philippines by wide, rough waters, Batanes Islands features gently sloping hills, sudden cliffs, seemingly bottomless canyons, and rugged shores dotted with boulders. Its houses are bare yet robust, with thick walls and thatched roofs that are ready to withstand to the strong, destructive typhoons that frequently pass through the province. In this timeless place, visitors can hop from one island to another, swim in the cool waters, admire the scenic villages, go fishing, and simply be one with nature.

Puzzle Pieces: 228
Time:  28mins 7secs